Tuesday 7 July 2009

Heroin, Morfina, Kokaina, Poppy


Heroin or diamorfin (INN) is a kind of opioid alkaloid.
Heroin is a derivative of the 3.6-diasetil morphine (therefore the name is diasetilmorfin) and disintesiskan of asetilasi through. The form of white crystals of salt is generally hidroklorida, diamorfin hidroklorida. Heroin can cause addicted.


Chemical structure Morfina

Morfina analgesic alkaloid is a very strong and is the main active agent that is found on the pipe. Morfina work directly on the central nervous system to eliminate pain. Morfina side effects include a decrease in awareness, euforia, feeling drowsiness, listless, and blurred vision. Morfina also reduce hunger, stimulate coughing, and constipation meyebabkan. Morfina cause substance dependence compared to high-oxygen other. Dependence morfina patients also reported suffering from insomnia and bad dreams.

The word "morfina" is derived from Morpheus, the god dreams in Greek mythology.


Chemical structure kokaina
Chemical structure of 3-dimensional kokaina

Kokaina is a synthetic compound you trigger cell metabolism to be very fast.

Kokaina the alkaloid obtained from coca plants koka Erythroxylon, originating from South America. Normal leaf chewed by local residents to get "Stimulation effects."

Kokaina currently still used as a local anestetik, especially for eye surgery, nose, and throat, due to its effect vasokonstriksif also help. Kokaina classified as a drug addict, with morfina and heroina because adiktif effect.


Template: Infobox Botanical product
The pipe smoker in a room the pipe "at the East End, London, 1874.

Poppy is the raw material resin obtained from the drug addict fruit opium (Papaver somniferum L. or P. paeoniflorum) that have not yet matured.

According to the United Nations, Afghanistan is currently the largest poppy producer in the world with 87%. Laos is also one of the largest.

articles source: http://www.wikipedia.com

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